
Nintendo’s Iwata: Hollywood showing tremendous interest in 3DS

3DS about more than games

Nintendo’s Iwata: Hollywood showing tremendous interest in 3DS

Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has been talking up the 3DS’s multimedia capabilities in his latest ‘Iwata Asks’ column.

The company CEO revealed that the 3DS’s unique 3D video-outputting abilities were attracting interest from the American film industry. "When we show 3DS to people from Hollywood,” he said, “they express tremendous interest.”

To that end, Nintendo’s intention is to make the 3DS far more than a simple gaming device. “We believe many people will be happy if we make it so that you can use the 3DS to watch things like, for instance, 3D movie trailers," Iwata added.

Iwata also said that the 3DS’s SpotPass feature – which allows the device to download content from nearby wi-fi hotspots while ‘asleep’ – could be used for transferring such movie trailers.

At yesterday’s Amsterdam showcase event, it was revealed that Sky, Eurosport and Aardman Entertainment would be providing 3D video content for Nintendo’s new device.

Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.