
Guitar Hero III Mobile breaks records

And it's been breaking them quickly too...

Guitar Hero III Mobile breaks records

Yep that's right, Guitar Hero III Mobile is a record-breaker, having sold nearly a million copies worldwide, including Brew subscriptions, across a range of different carriers. Not only has the game achieved impressive sales, but it's also one of the fastest selling mobile games in history, making it a bit of a landmark title all round.

So it stands to reason that Hands-On Mobile is really rather pleased with itself about the whole thing. Commenting on the success of the game, Hands-On Mobile's CEO David White gushed:

"Fans of the Guitar Hero console games have been very impressed with the title's translation onto BREW handsets. Guitar Hero III Mobile has opened the eyes of a whole new group of consumers to the world of mobile games."

Unfortunately that 'whole new group of customers' does not yet include us here in good old Blighty as the game hasn't been released here yet and won't be released here for at least another couple of months (though Blackberry users may be able to get their hands on it already).

Presumably the sales will raise to even dizzier heights once the game has launched across all markets. Click 'Track It!' to catch our review when the game is finally makes its debut in the UK.