
Direction-sensing card patent rumoured for the DSi

A non-GBA slot card, that is

Direction-sensing card patent rumoured for the DSi

According to Siliconera, Nintendo has filed a patent for a device called the DS Houi Sensor Card - or, in English, the ‘DS Direction Sensor Card.’

The application for this device is pretty obvious. On the forthcoming DSi there’s no GBA slot, and the GBA slot is where games like Slide Adventure: Mag Kid insert their clever motion-sensing technology.

The DS Houi Sensor Card merely mends a casualty of the hardware upgrade.

At this stage, the existence of the card technically goes in the ‘speculation’ drawer, though it’s not at all controversial or surprising. The DSi is rumoured for an April release in the US.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.