
DSi launch rumoured for early April, priced at $179.99

Six months after the Japanese launch

DSi launch rumoured for early April, priced at $179.99

According to IGN, Nintendo sources have divulged two key pieces of information concerning the US launch of the DSi. It’ll be out in April, probably on the 4th, and it’ll cost $179.99 (£124).

The UK price is in brackets because there’s nothing in the rumour to indicate a simultaneous European launch. Feel free to speculate.

The DSi has already been out for two months in Japan, and it shifted more than a million units over December. Nintendo didn’t see any reason to release it outside Japan in 2008, however, as we westerners were still buying too many DS Lites to justify the launch.

True to form, Nintendo has refused to comment on the latest rumour.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.