
Gorillaz: Escape to Plastic Beach launches on iPad and iPhone

Glyder + guns = Plastic Beach

Gorillaz: Escape to Plastic Beach launches on iPad and iPhone

Games about bands never seem to get past the ‘song packs’ stage these days. Gone are the times when KISS could be the primary source of inspiration for a first-person shooter set in a circus - instead, it’s always yet another rhythm-action tie-in with the band gurning in the background, looking moody.

Escape to Plastic Beach is very loosely based on the Gorillaz album of (almost) the same name. The story revolves around getting said album completed, and takes the form of yet another music-based militant gliding game.

Wait, what?

Using the ‘Doom Glider’, Murdoc (he’s the bassist) has to weave and shoot his way past eight levels of island-hopping, checkpoint-reaching gliding in a very striking 3D world.

The game was made by 2009 Rose award-winning developers Matmi (maker of PG Gold award-winning Monster Pinball), and features designs from master cartoonist and co-founder of the group Jamie Hewlett, as well as music taken directly from the album.

Escape to Plastic Beach is available now on the App Store for both the iPad and iPhone at the rare universal price of £1.19/$1.99.

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).