
Gamevil reveals first screen of iPhone cannon-shooter Boom It Up

Gunpowder meets platformer

Gamevil reveals first screen of iPhone cannon-shooter Boom It Up
| Boom It Up (iPhone)

Back in the days when firearms meant solid lead shot and a minute of reloading, the cannon was the Nikolai Valuev of the battlefield.

It took an age to prepare and often required the opposition to stand politely in front of the business end, but once it connected with bone and flesh it could cause plenty of mess.

Nowadays, though, the cannon is the comedy companion of the clown, which is how it's become the star of Gamevil's latest game.

Called Boom It Up, it follows in the vein of previous explosive iPhone games such as iBlast Moki and Implode!, by combining things that go 'bang' with platforming tendencies.

Indeed, the official description for the game reads: "It's a game where you have to precisely launch the cannonball on the right timing to elevate to the next basket to compete how high you can go."

More Doodle Jump then, as the following video shows.

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As for facts such as release date or price, frankly we're guessing.

Boom It Up will be out in December, priced 99c. Probably.
Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.