
Bird-brained puzzler Non Flying Soldiers gets improved camera and deployment options in latest update

I'm all aflutter

Bird-brained puzzler Non Flying Soldiers gets improved camera and deployment options in latest update

Budgie-shepherding puzzler Non Flying Soldiers has just received some backup in the form of its most recent update.

The aim of this Silver Award-winning title is to guide a squad of birds across a perilous obstacle course littered with spikes, fire, and all manner of anti-avian objects.

Now, after installing update 1.0.1 of Non Flying Soldiers on your iOS device, you'll get a better view of the environment thanks to the improved camera controls. This will enable you to you scope out hazards before you march your troops into harm's way.

Speaking of your feathered forces, they can now be deployed from any position on the level, opening up a whole new range of potential approach vectors and drop points.

Also, the chaps over at Blue Shadow Games have made some changes that affect item placement, which should make it a little easier to requisition supplies for your brave budgie boys.

You can airlift Non Flying Soldiers from the App Store for 69p / 99c.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.