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XCOM Legends: What's all the fuss about?

| XCOM Legends

XCOM Legends was recently soft-launched on Android. It's a mobile spin-off of the long-running and highly acclaimed mobile series, and it's getting people hot under the collar.

We've hopped across the borders of several global territories to capture footage of XCOM Legends, see what it's all about, and offer our explanation for why people are specifically upset about this version of the mobile gacha model.

NOTE: I keep saying RPS when I mean RTS in this video. I'm sorry, it's like 35 degrees in this room and my own name is a distant memory at this point.

XCOM Legends is soft launched in various territories, including the Philippines, on the Google Play Store. 

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.