
First mobile rob-'em-up: Stolen in Sixty Seconds

HeroCraft delivers light fingered mobile game

First mobile rob-'em-up: Stolen in Sixty Seconds

Everybody has had the urge to steal something at some point. The problem is that stealing a packet of Polos from the local newsagent isn't accompanied by the same sort of thrill as a daring bank heist, and soon the adrenaline-laced pleasure of having gotten away with your petty theft vanishes in a puff of latent guilt.

At least, that's what we're assured happens.

Which is therefore one reason why mobile games are so handy: plenty of guilt-free sin and villainy at your finger tips for times when standing in the seemingly endless queue at Sainsbury's proves just a bit too pedestrian.

The latest title to help combat the boredom of modern life is $tolen in $ixty $econds from HeroCraft (note, the dollar signs are the publisher's idea, not ours). Essentially, it's a thieving sim comprising a strategic planning element which is then followed up by some high octane real-time execution.

The game includes nearly two dozen levels and a full assortment of tools of the criminal trade for virtual crooks to master.

Available for purchase now, there is even a free downloadable demo to be found on HeroCraft's site.

Click 'Track It!' to get the lowdown when we swag a copy for review.