
Glu launches Sexy Babes: Wild Waterslides

Said babes land safely in pool, somewhat damper but otherwise unharmed

Glu launches Sexy Babes: Wild Waterslides

If the combination of scorching heat and even hotter bods is all getting a bit too much for you, then Glu might just have the perfect way to cool you down. Its new game, Wild Waterslides, combines refreshing digital wetness with a challenge that draws upon a wide range of masculine skills: timing, co-ordination, and looking at girls in wet bikinis.

With simple one-handed controls (a useful feature considering the game's target audience), the opportunity to snap and save photos of your chosen babe mid-slide, and the inspiring motto 'The Wetter the Better', Wild Waterslides looks set to vie with the likes of Sexy Soccer in a fast-emerging genre that's taking advantage of hormonal, pubescent boys desperate to view a bit of pixelized flesh.

Needless to say, the Pocket Gamer intern will be slip-sliding a review your way imminently – just as soon as he's had a nice cold shower and recovered his composure.

Chris James
Chris James
A footy game fanatic and experienced editor of numerous computing and game titles, bossman Chris is up for anything – including running Steel Media (the madman).