Promo & Redeem Codes

Tower Tycoon codes for free cash (April 2024)

Use these codes to get free cash in Tower Tycoon

Tower Tycoon codes for free cash (April 2024)
| Roblox
Updated on April 01, 2024 - Checked for new codes

We will share with you a list of all active and working Tower Tycoon codes, which you can use to get a lot of free in-game cash. We will also keep updating this post with new codes as and when they are released, so don't forget to bookmark this page and visit frequently to find new Tower Tycoon codes before others.

If you are playing other Roblox games, you are in for a treat, as we are featuring Muscle Legends codes, Last Pirates codes, Bad Business codes and a lot more. 

Active Tower Tycoon codes

Here is the list of all active Tower Tycoon codes:

  • 5KLIKES - 13333 cash
  • 500LIKES - 10000 cash
  • RELEASE - 10000 cash

These Tower Tycoon codes are time-limited. Try to use them before they expire. Also, make sure you enter the codes precisely as mentioned above, including any special characters, to avoid errors.

Expired codes

  • Currently, there are no expired codes for Tower Tycoon 

How to redeem codes in Tower Tycoon?

Redeeming codes in Tower Tycoon is a simple process. But if you are new to the game or haven't redeemed codes before. Don't worry. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to redeem Tower Tycoon codes:

  • Open Tower Tycoon and wait for the game to load
  • Click on the codes button located on the right-hand side of the screen
  • Copy and paste any of the active Tower Tycoon codes from above in the text area
  • Click on the green check button, and the reward will now pop up on your screen
  • Click on the collect button, and the free cash will be added to your in-game account

About Tower Tycoon

Tower Tycoon is a popular Roblox game developed by The Gang Stockholm. In Tower Tycoon, you have to build a tower with the aim of becoming the greatest builder in history.

Sumant Meena
Sumant Meena
I am a mobile gamer, passionate about exploring the world of mobile gaming. From the latest releases to hidden gems, I love sharing my experiences and tips with others. Follow me on my journey through the mobile gaming universe.