
Gameloft gets strategic with Rise of Lost Empires

More orcs than you can shake a big stick at. Or sword

Gameloft gets strategic with Rise of Lost Empires

It feels like only yesterday that we were complaining about Gameloft's familiar-feeling movie tie-ins (mainly because it was only yesterday), but the publisher has gone and made us eat our words by diving into a new genre.

The game is Rise Of Lost Empires, and the genre is fantasy strategy. It's got all the required elements – orcs, dwarves, elves and bags of weapons – and sees you picking sides in an age-old battle between the Empire of Light and the Empire of Darkness.

The game certainly has epic scope, with two campaigns to play, one featuring humans and the other featuring orcs. In all, there's 20 missions to play through.

You'll be building cities, recruiting armies, exploring dungeons and generally duffing monsters up, with more than 20 separate units and 20 different buildings to construct.

Meanwhile, Gameloft also says the game features digitised voices, rather than the usual weak bleeps and bloops heard in mobile games.

Call us nerdy RPG gimps with a cupboard full of rubber swords if you like, but we're unfeasibly excited about Rise Of Lost Empires, which is already on sale on Gameloft's WAP and websites now, and should be coming to an operator portal near you soon.

A copy is nestling on our phone right now, so click 'Track It!' to get a volley of emails (well, one) when we get to grips with the game.

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)