
Teaser trailer out for Red Bull X-Fighters on iPhone

And we’ve had an exclusive play

Teaser trailer out for Red Bull X-Fighters on iPhone
| Red Bull X-Fighters

I-play has just released a teaser trailer for its upcoming extreme motor-cross stunt game on iPhone, Red Bull X-Fighters. It shows some of the real life X-Fighters in action, followed by a glimpse of the game itself.

I popped along recently to have an exclusive play with an early build of the game, which is made by the guys responsible for the FMX games on mobile. Just like that series, it’s all about death-defying stunts and landing your motorcycle safely.

You control your rider as he sets off on a brief stunt run, which tends to involve some tricky little bumps and at least one insane leap-of-death. Your bike auto-accelerates, so it’s up to you to keep your rider level with the undulating terrain by tilting the iPhone left and right.

Once in the air, you need to activate one of 20-or-so stunts according to the challenge you’ve been set. This involves touching the screen - at which point the action goes into mega-slow-mo - and drawing a simple shape that corresponds to the required manoeuvre. This starts with simple ‘U’ shapes and moves onto trickier multi-sided patterns.

Even in this early version, the physics feel solid and believable, which is essential for this kind of game. We’ll have to wait until we get our mitts on a review build to see if this is allied to a compelling game.

Red Bull X-Fighters is all set for a release ahead of the X-Fighters event at Battersea power station on August 22nd.

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Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.