
Average iPhone app sells 101,024 copies

Study finds surprising (if skewed) results

Average iPhone app sells 101,024 copies

According to a survey of iPhone developers, the average app sells around 101,024 copies.

Alex Ahlund, advisor for Appolicious, has brought together a range of data from 96 developers in the App Store.

The survey shows that on average 101,024 copies were sold over a 261 day period. The average number of sales per day was 387 and the average price was $5.49.

Time to start making games?

Before you quit your day job and start making iPhone games, however, it's worth noting that the results are rather skewed.

Of the 96 apps included in the study, the top ten features the likes of Bejeweled 2, Flight Control, and PocketGuitar - all games which have sold over one million copies, which isn't so common in the App Store.

In fact, the study found that removing the top 10 per cent of the list resulted in much lower sale figures, with the average sales dropping to 11,625 units with 44 copies sold per day.

The pricing figures are also skewed due to the inclusion of a $49.99 app.

It's worth noting that the study found the average development cost to be $6,453. So maybe it's best to hold on to that career of yours just a little longer.

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.