Out There

WWDC 2009: Final Cut Pro

Said cheese

WWDC 2009: Final Cut Pro

It's been a long week at Apple's WorldWide Developers Conference but we've had a great time, met up with some great folk, and taken some pictures along the way, too. So here's a selection of the ones I'd like the best; plus a mosaic of a bunch of other people we had fun with.

The inimitable Lydia Heitman (Freeverse)

The surprisingly mischievous Danielle Cassley (Aurora Feint)

The dude-a-licious Bolt Creative - Dave and Allen (Pocket God)

That most sophisticated Frenchman Oliver Pierre (Bulkypix) with the equally sophisticated but less French, Cat and Kathy from Glu Mobile

Those hardworking networkers - Josh Rosen (Sci-Fly), Edmond Cha (Appular) and Kyu C Lee (Gamevil)

See - Kyu's still networking - now with the rather debonair Ian Lynch Smith (Freeverse)

But not forgetting the rest... Clearly a prize will have to be awarded for the person who identifies the most faces below (PG staff and Brian Akaka excluded).

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at PG.biz which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.