
The Cresting Rainbow is an upcoming iOS multiplayer turn-based bear-fighting game

Bear-knuckle brawl

The Cresting Rainbow is an upcoming iOS multiplayer turn-based bear-fighting game

Fancy going to a pub with some bears? I don't, either.

But I can't resist upcoming iOS game The Cresting Rainbow, a multiplayer turn-based strategy title featuring bears brawling in a bar.

Rather surprisingly, The Cresting Rainbow is being developed by Stray Robot Games. Yes, the same Stray Robot Games responsible for the Gold Award-winning puzzler Wooords.

In The Cresting Rainbow, two teams of four bears move around a small 8x8 grid. You have to knock the opposition out to win.

To do this, you'll be able to use bottles, chairs, paintings, table legs, your bear fists, your bear belly, and anything else lying around.

Bear hug

Like Frozen Synapse, The Cresting Rainbow will feature simultaneous turns, meaning you won't know what your opponent has chosen to do until, well, it's too late.

Here's an example...

"If two players throw a chair at each other, the chairs will collide. If one player moves to the side before throwing, he may [be] able to dodge incoming projectiles," Stray Robot points out in its devlog.

"Missed shots may have consequences such as knocking things over, hitting friendlies, and objects break down into new objects."

The Cresting Rainbow

Seems you'll have to be careful with those big bear paws of yours and plan for every eventuality, then.

We don't know precisely when The Cresting Rainbow will be finished, but we do know it will be available for PC and iOS. We'll keep you updated.

Pocket Tactics
Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.