
Pocket Gamer weekly wrap-up - Most anticipated games, Minecraft apps, Rymdkapsel reviewed

Best iOS games of July! Knightmare Tower! Sonic Dash competition! New Simogo!

Pocket Gamer weekly wrap-up - Most anticipated games, Minecraft apps, Rymdkapsel reviewed
iOS + Android + 3DS ...

Another week, another avalanche of news stories, features, and reviews on Pocket Gamer. How DO we find the time to write all this stuff?

Oh, yeah, we are contractually obligated to write words about Angry Birds from nine till five, every weekday. I remember now.

This week, an enormous number of new games come out. Small indie gems, little arcade titles, unmissable platformers, and retro-style nostalgia trips.

We wrote about the lot of them. And some other topics, too. Though, mostly about video games. Here, then, is your seven-day round-up of Pocket Gamer news and stuff.

Big releases Rymdkapsel

Unpronounceable indie RTS Rydmkapsel is finally out on iOS and Android. We re-published our review of the PlayStation Mobile version, in which we called the game "gloriously entertaining, and a novel take on the strategy genre".

Kid Tripp (out now on iOS) is a brutally difficult auto-runner, inspired by platformers of yore. In his review of this Gold Award winner, Harry called it "one of the finest platform experiences that the App Store has to offer".

We also chatted to Kid Tripp creator Mike Burns to find out about the influences behind the game. Oh, and to get some handy tips for completing those tricky later levels (spoiler alert: you need to sprint).

Monster stomper Knightmare Tower is an old Flash game that caught our eye when it cropped up on Ouya a few weeks ago. Now, it's out on iOS, where it feels perfectly at home. Our Rob said: "Knightmare Tower is brash, glitchy, and it doesn't last very long, but it packs a lot of high-intensity fun into the two or three hours it'll take you to finish it."


Pivvot is the latest game in a pop-up genre I call 'swearware' (those masochistic games that inspire fits of violence and euphoria in almost equal measure). It's out now on iOS, and we should have a full review of it up on the site next week.

I really wanted to like Dropchord. A hip new rhythm game with juicy Daft Punk-style tunes from Double Fine? Sign me up. Sadly, the finished product left me feeling cold. "Mute your iPad and you end up with a fiddly and frustrating little game," I said in my review of it.

Finally, we kicked off our seven-day-long review of FPS The Drowning, an intriguing new game with a novel touchscreen mechanic. You can read all about that in our preview from earlier in the year.

Read about all these games - and more - in our new releases round-up. Like every week, we've got hands-on impressions of all the new iOS games, with video.

Feature creep Minecraft

We kicked off the week by looking at Minecraft companion apps. These are iOS and Android apps that work in conjunction with blocky PC world builder Minecraft. We picked out our favourites, including one in which you can make papercraft models from characters and Creepers.

We also looked back at July and picked out the very best iOS games from that month. Our favourite apps include cyberpunk shooter Deus Ex: The Fall, morbid XBLA expat Limbo, and gorgeous indie game A Ride Into The Mountains.

Next week, we'll look back at the best Android games from July.

If we're not looking back at awesome games, by the way, we're looking forward to awesome games.

Firstly, Mike put together a list of the most anticipated 3DS and Vita games of August, which includes indie gems Spelunky and Luftrausers.

And I rounded up our 36 most hotly anticipated iOS and Android games for the rest of the year. That includes zombie blaster Gunner Z, clairvoyant noir puzzler Third Eye Crime, comic book adventure Framed, and Kickstarted adventure Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse.

We've also teamed up with Sega and the mysterious Gamer X to run a little Sonic Dash competition. Prizes include T-shirts, iPhone covers, and hats. Get all the details here.

News beat

Here are the news headlines you should be clicking on right now to discover everything you need to know about games consoles you can fit in your pocket this week.

Around Steel Media
Pocket Gamer is not the only website on the Steel Media network. Check out what our friends have been writing about this week:

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The folks over at AppSpy have distilled the best iOS trailers, teasers, and hands-on footage from the week into one handy video: the AppSpy News Wrap-Up.

This week's episode showcases the latest Kingdom Rush: Frontiers update, and gives you a glimpse of Year Walk developer Simogo's eccentric new iOS project DEVICE 6.

Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Mark Brown spent several years slaving away at the Steel Media furnace, finally serving as editor at large of Pocket Gamer before moving on to doing some sort of youtube thing.