
Pocket Gamer iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 191 - iPhone 5 launch, Rayman Jungle Run, Bad Piggies, farting cats

The sound of progress?

Pocket Gamer iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 191 - iPhone 5 launch, Rayman Jungle Run, Bad Piggies, farting cats

It's a Friday podcast this week, meaning Jon, Keith, and James are all grasping at straws like thirsty kids at a Shakeaway.

Luckily, we still have the presence of mind to chat about the iPhone 5 launch event, get very excited over Rayman Jungle Run, and realise what little we actually know about Rovio's Bad Piggies.

There's an avalanche of New Releases, including the latest wallet-worrying Squeenix RPG DrakeRider, Gameloft's handsome hack 'n' slasher Wild Blood, and cephalopod-sorting platformer Oh Hi! Octopi!

Keith also confesses to pushing grannies down hills, and Jon makes a cat fart. Your GMA-nominated podcast, ladies and gentlemen.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.