
Have trowel, will travel - archaeological puzzle game Lost Civilization unearthed in the app store

Fortune and glory, kid.

Have trowel, will travel - archaeological puzzle game Lost Civilization unearthed in the app store
| Lost Civilization

Phoenix Online Studios has announced that its latest point-and-click adventure puzzler Lost Civilization is now available on the app store.

One-half hidden object game and one-half classic puzzler, Lost Civilization looks to deliver the same sort of gameplay that earned Phoenix a bronze award for Cognition: Episode One.

In Lost Civilization, you'll play as amateur archaeologist Suzanne who you'll guide on a quest to both rescue her fiancé and prove that aliens exist on earth.

Not exactly a core archaeological field program, that - but we'll give it a pass since there's a gameplay trailer.

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Suzanne's quest takes place in 70 detailed scenes that unfold as she travels from London to Prague, and features "archaeology adventure suitable for all skill levels". We don't actually see any archaeology taking place in the above trailer, but we do see some rather clever-looking puzzles that look like they'd be at home in a Professor Layton game.

If this looks like a game that you'd like to add to your iPhone or iPad, free up about 500MB - warm up to the idea of spending $4.99 / £2.99 for it - and head on over to the App Store.

Matthew Diener
Matthew Diener
Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.