
It's time for Jump O'Clock on iPhone

Clock this one

It's time for Jump O'Clock on iPhone
| Jump O'Clock

LE0 the robot is climbing a never-ending clock tower, and needs your help.

It may sound like Jump O'Clock is yet another Doodle Jump style game, but it's actually far from it. In fact, it's more of a cross between Dizzypad and Ninjatown: Trees of Doom.

There are various cogs and obstacles littering the path up the tower, and tapping the screen causes the robot to jump up and cling to a cog. The cogs are spinning, and you need to tap at the right time to release LE0's grip and spring onto another gear.

The sides of the tower can also be used to wall-kick off, meaning there's a little more skill involved than simply bounding from cog to cog.

The cogs aren't your only problem, either. Deadly electricity and spinning blades are among the obstacles you need to overcome.

Along the way, bolts and nuts can be collected, and these eventually provide a speed boost which throws the little guy up the screen.

Five game modes are on offer, each providing a different type of challenge - reach a certain height, collect a specific number of bolts, etc.

The game is OpenFeint-enabled, with the usual bundle of high-score boards and unlockable achievements.

Jump O'Clock is available now from the App Store for 99c / 59p.
Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.