
Ingress Prime cheats and tips - How to play Ingress Prime

| Ingress Prime
Ingress Prime cheats and tips - How to play Ingress Prime

XM, AP, portals, control fields, more

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How do you play Ingress Prime? Well, if you just downloaded the game, we can't blame you for feeling a bit lost.

Ingress isn't like Pokémon GO, Niantic's other AR smash. In Ingress Prime, you'll be controlling portals to create control fields while spending XM.

It's all very esoteric, but that's why we're here. Read through these tips and you'll have a much better idea how to play Ingress Prime.

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Gathering XM

This is the first essential you'll be tackling in Ingress Prime. XM is essentially the white dot particles strewn all over the game map, and you simply need to walk near them to collect them.

You'll need XM for pretty much everything. Even using many items in the game requires XM, so make sure you have plenty.

Luckily you can use Power Cubes to gain XM when there's none nearby.

Attacking portals

Once you've found a portal and hacked it for some items, it's time to attack. You'll be using XMP Bursters to attack any portals near your location.

Portals have up to eight Resonators surrounding them which you'll be dealing damage to. Once all the Resonators are destroyed, the portal is clear.

You can also gain other items to attack portals. And of course, higher level variants of items will do more damage and get the job done faster.

Ingress Prime

Controlling portals

Once you've destroyed enemy Resonators, it's time to place your own. You only need to place one to capture a portal, but in order to create a link, you'll need eight.

Once you've laid down eight resonators, you can link your portal to other portals in the area, and block off the enemy team.

Again, using higher level Resonators and even equipping your portal with a shield of some kind will help defend it against the enemy team.

Control fields

Within control fields you will earn massive amounts of AP, so they're the big goal of the game. Plus, it's a nice way to mark your territory.

You do this by linking together at least three portals in a triangular shape, and this will make the space inside that triangle a control field.

Making large control fields for your team to reap AP rewards is the primary goal of Ingress Prime, and that's why you can chat with other members of your team to organise which portals to prioritise and link.

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Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.