
Kickstart this: Incarnate combines ideas from Final Fantasy Tactics and Magic The Gathering

Big swords and swift decks

Kickstart this: Incarnate combines ideas from Final Fantasy Tactics and Magic The Gathering
| Incarnate

Apart from having a great studio name, Skeleton Hand have a big pitch to sell us: "Final Fantasy Tactics meets Magic the Gathering".

This is how the studio describes its 3D turn-based strategy arena and competitive card game Incarnate. The name-dropping certainly has more of a ring to it than that lengthy description, I'll give 'em that.

The idea of Incarnate is to allow for the play in each game to change drastically with each turn, and each card drawn.

Characters evolve as they're put into action, the terrain can be used to your tactical advantage, or you can introduce a card to throw a spanner in the works.

You see, the cards that you build your deck with interact with each component of the match: your own Incarnate, your enemies, and the environment.

The game has over 100 of these cards for you to collect and compete with. It also has four classes for you to customise, a story to follow, and plenty of competitive play.

That last point is a big one, actually, as Incarnate has both a roguelike PvE endless dungeon, and competitive PvP ladders.

Outside of the 2v2 matches, you can interact with friends by bringing them along with you to boss fights as a team.

Skeleton Hand hopes to find $48,000 to fund Incarnate on Kickstarter. The grand plan is to bring it to iOS, PC, and Wii U in 2015.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.