
Live to smite another day with Babel Rising: Cataclysm

Hitting App Store 6th September

Live to smite another day with Babel Rising: Cataclysm

Human beings never learn. When you smite one of their blasphemously tall towers, they quickly build another.

What’s a deity to do?

The answer, as the God in Babel Rising sees it, it to rain new forms of devastation and ruin down upon them - which is exactly what players can do in the upcoming Babel Rising: Cataclysm when it arrives in the App Store on 6th September.

The new 'Tower Destroy' adventure picks up on the success of previous games Babel Rising and Babel Rising 3D - also published by Bulkypix - promising players more powers, missions, and bonuses along with an all-new tower to destroy.

Towering above the rest

Babel Rising: Cataclysm will offer a new 40-mission story and a survival mode to keep your smiting finger busy as you try to reign supreme across the game’s four difficulty modes.

In addition to the original Babel Rising's seven divine powers (such as fireballs and dropped boulders), Babel Rising: Cataclysm will add five all-new upgradable powers for you to deploy at your leisure.

Players will make full use of these upgradable powers – and all of the old ones – to conquer new waves of workers who continue labouring in the face of fires, tornadoes, and locusts to build their tower.

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Matthew Diener
Matthew Diener
Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.