
Haiti disaster: Over 25 iPhone and Mac developers donating app proceeds via Indie Relief

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Haiti disaster: Over 25 iPhone and Mac developers donating app proceeds via Indie Relief

In a bid to contribute to the relief effort following this week's devastating earthquake in Haiti, many iPhone and Mac developers have clubbed together to help raise awareness and money for Haitian aid organisations. The project is called Indie Relief.

The idea was inspired by Mike Piatek-Jimenez, developer of Seasonality - a weather app for the Mac OS X.

Piatek-Jimenez announced that would be donating 100 per cent of his proceeds (minus the $3 processing fee) to the Partners in Health organisation for earthquake relief, on January the 20th.

Developer Justin Williams was obviously impressed by his charity, and as a result Williams tweeted his idea to take things a step further, before going into more detail in a post on his blog.

“I was really struck by this, and thought it’d be great if other companies would participate too,” Williams said. “While I wish I could afford to give up my entire sales income for the rest of the month, it’s not financially feasible, but I do want to donate a single day’s sales to the cause.”

So far the charitable act has spurred on around 25 developers to join the effort, with hopefully many more to follow.

Indie Relief’s website, setup by Garret Murray, will list all the participant developers, the apps that are a part of the scheme, and the charity each developer will be donating its proceeds to.

If you develop for Mac or iPhone and want to help those affected by the Haiti disaster, then go to the Indie Relief website and follow the ‘Interested in Participating?’ link at the bottom.

Ben Griffin
Ben Griffin
Having said farewell to university life, Ben decided to follow his ultimate dream of getting paid to play games. Luckily, Pocket Gamer was more than happy to help in his quest.