
iPhone owners have had twice as many sexual partners as Android owners

Therefore, they're twice as sexy

iPhone owners have had twice as many sexual partners as Android owners

Before we proceed, there are two important facts to bear in mind relating to this story.

1. Statistics don't lie. Ever.
2. I own an iPhone 4

Dating site OKCupid has conducted an analysis of its users' responses to pictures on the service, allowing it to come to a range of conclusions.

For example, the least attractive photos are taken with Motorola camera phones, while the most attractive are taken with the Panasonic Micro4/3s.

For another example, there's a greater discrepancy in user attractiveness across the different types of camera when the users are aged 30 than there is when they're aged 52, when the camera you use makes very little difference.

Into this buffet of data OKCupid drops a nugget that will be of interest to owners of iPhones: it seems that, from a test group of 30-year-old smartphone owners just under 10,000 strong, female iPhone owners have had on average twice as many sexual partners as female Android owners (12 vs six), while male iPhone owners have had nearly twice as many (ten vs six).

BlackBerry owners sit somewhere in the middle, with around eight sexual partners, and in all categories female smartphone owners have had more sexual partners than male smartphone owners. All subjects are 30 years old.

1. Statistics don't lie. Ever.
2. I own an iPhone 4

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.