
iPhone 4 now available on T-Mobile and 3 Mobile

3 still the cheapest

iPhone 4 now available on T-Mobile and 3 Mobile

When Steve Jobs jogged on stage a couple of weeks ago to announce that every iPhone 4 owner is entitled to a free bumper or a refund, he was talking about 3,000,000 people. That means a million people a week had bought it at the time he revealed the figure. That's about the population of Wales.

Even so, there are iPhone 4 customers who haven't obtained their iPhone 4s for one reason or another – perhaps because they want a white one, perhaps because their contract runs for an inconveniently long time, perhaps because they live in a country where the iPhone 4 isn't available yet, and perhaps because they're loyal to T-Mobile or 3 Mobile, the two UK operators not to have launched the iPhone 4.

Till now. From today, T-Mobile and 3 Mobile customers can get hold of the iPhone 4.

T-Mobile's tariffs aren't particularly competitive, offering – for example – a 16GB model with 300 texts, 300 minutes, and 500MB data on a 24-month contract for £30 a month, with a handset cost of £179. This puts it more or less alongside the other operators. The equivalent tariff on Vodafone lets you have the handset for £10 less, and gives you an extra 500MB data.

3 Mobile is cheaper than all of the other operators pro rata, offering – again, for example – a 16GB iPhone 4 with 500 minutes and 1GB data for £30 a month, with a handset cost of just £99.

Click here for an iPhone 4 tariff comparison.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.