
White iPhone 4 could be close to release

Snow doubts this time?

White iPhone 4 could be close to release

The term 'white elephant' is normally used to describe a possession that its owner can neither get rid of nor justify keeping.

Apple’s white iPhone 4 is beginning to feel like a white elephant, but rather than failing to dispose of it The Big A just can’t seem to get one out of the manufacturing plant and into stores.

Having originally delayed the release of the albino iPhone 4 to the end of July, the Cupertino clan then stated last week that the white model won’t, in fact, be available “until later this year”.

According to sources close to MacNN, the end may be in sight.

Why the delay so far? Ensuring that the white paint, “holds its colour without flaking... and doesn't affect the proximity sensor or create light bleeds” on the front panel has proven the biggest challenge. Allegedly.

Stay tuned to Pocket Gamer for more details on albino-gate, as and when the paint dries.

Richard Brown
Richard Brown
With a degree in German up his sleeve Richard squares up to the following three questions every morning: FIFA or Pro Evo? XBox 360 or PS3? McNulty or Bunk?