
Futurama ‘Attack of the Killer App’ episode lampoons iPhone 4

It’s funny because its culturally relevant

Futurama ‘Attack of the Killer App’ episode lampoons iPhone 4

Last night’s episode of Futurama had the show’s writers making a pretty swift turn around on the ol' iPhone 4 saga, poking fun at Apple culture in a snarky take on zombie-like queuing, the ‘there’s an app for that’ gag, Apple stores, and the device’s reception issues.

Fry and the gang wait overnight in line to purchase the new eyePhone (GET IT?), and enter the store (decked out in chrome, and featuring silhouetted dancers on the screens) to buy the new device. The cashier tells Fry that the new phone is $500, has no choice of carrier, the battery can’t hold a charge, and the reception stinks. But Fry buys it anyway (GET IT?).

Mom, who apparently replaced Steve Jobs in the year 3000, says she uses her eyePhone to check recipes and send threatening emails to third-party app developers.

Do you remember when Futurama was actually good and didn’t rely on weird, contrived storylines and culturally relevant gags? Those were the days. It’s even got a Susan Boyle joke - how out of date is that one?

Mark Brown
Mark Brown
Mark Brown spent several years slaving away at the Steel Media furnace, finally serving as editor at large of Pocket Gamer before moving on to doing some sort of youtube thing.