
Video demonstration of We Rule and Godfinger on iPad

ngmoco gives us a big-screen taster

Video demonstration of We Rule and Godfinger on iPad

ngmoco has given a little video demonstration showing a couple of its games in full swing on the iPad.

The video shows the guys unpacking a whole heap of iPads before delving into the all-important big-screen gaming.

First on the agenda is the iPad version of We Rule. The wider scale and HD graphics make the game look pretty fantastic.

The extra screen space seems to make the whole experience easier to handle, too, with smaller windows popping up over the top of the main action not slowing the frame-rate down one bit.

Next up is Godfinger, in which you play the role of a God, pointing your worldly finger at minions to make them do your bidding.

Again, the HD graphics look really awesome, and the larger screen makes the action look much simplier to control.

The best bit, however, is when he zooms out to show the entire planet in one shot, then proceeds to zoom out again and show the entire star system.

As with We Rule, there are no signs of graphical slow-down, and the initial planet can now be seen surrounded by dozens of planets, suitable for potential friend-age.

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Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.