
iPad shooter Zombie Infection HD 59p/99c 'for a limited time'

Me want bargains

iPad shooter Zombie Infection HD 59p/99c 'for a limited time'
| Zombie Infection HD

At the end of last week Gameloft engaged in a bit of ritual price slaughter by dropping its iPhone Resident Evil clone Zombie Infection from £2.99 to just 59p.

Cause for rejoicement you might think, but Pocket Gamer reader Bub was quick to criticise. “And yet more discrimination against iPad owners,” he wrote in the comments. “We're sick of it. There is simply no justification for releasing the same games at different prices with 10% reworked graphics.”

Good news, Bub. Zombie Infection HD, which is for iPad and normally costs £3.99, has joined its little brother at 59p for, making it an even bigger bargain that it is on iPhone.

Zombie Infection is a third-person shooter in which you take on the roles of Damien Sharpe and Alex Rayne, killing infinite zombies on the way to uncovering a global conspiracy.

The iPad version is much the same as the iPhone version, but with nicer graphics. Click on the App Store link below to download it.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.