Game Reviews

ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator

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| ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator
ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator
| ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator

One thing kept going through my mind as I played through level after level of ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator. "Thank goodness modern medicine isn't this unreliable, or we'd all be toast."

The game is a rather simple-looking puzzler that relies entirely on the domino effect. When you place ViCTOR inside an infected cell, he produces a small antiviral bubble around himself.

If any of the wandering germs touch this bubble, they'll burst and create their own bubbles. These in turn will burst more bubbles, until you've cleared the screen of infection.

Over the counter bugs

Later levels include bombs that work on a timer. These are good for clearing out areas you know you won't be able to reach. Their use is limited though, and earning more requires an awful lot of perfect scores.

You will have to add to your arsenal though, because many of the cells are oddly shaped and quickly scatter the viruses once they start moving.

It's not the freshest game out there, but to begin with ViCTOR feels like a decent way to pass some time. And then the frustration starts to set in.

Malpractice makes perfect

Every cell has a different layout, which does add variety. But the way the angry little boogers bounce around is never the same, which means there's no way of optimising your approach.

The way the infected cells rebound off the walls is just as sporadic and will often lead to entire clusters getting stuck out of reach in a corner.

ViCTOR isn't much help either. There's a small delay between you tapping the screen and him springing into action that makes it incredibly difficult to react.

By the time you've placed him, the viruses will have moved on and he'll just be sitting there by himself until his bubble bursts.

ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator is a completely forgettable puzzle game, and it won't take long for you to grow tired of its tap-and-pray approach to gameplay.

ViCTOR: Virus Eradicator

Virus Eradicator can feel more miss than hit, but its biggest problem is that it just doesn't stand out
Rob Rich
Rob Rich
Rob Rich is the editor of