
Pocket Gamer's free-game Advent Calendar - Tiny Dice Dungeon

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Pocket Gamer's free-game Advent Calendar - Tiny Dice Dungeon

Advent calendar time! During the week we've been offering you some of the best games of the year for free, but over the weekend we're going to concentrate on games that are always free that deserve some of your hard earned love.

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Today's entry is Tiny Dice Dungeon, a cute pixel RPG that's all about rolling digital dice and pushing your luck as far as you can. And it's really quite special.

You can fit a game of this delightful side-on roguelike into a couple of minutes. It's a well balanced distillation of the RPG, and lets you chain together massive attacks. But if the dice rolls don’t go your way you'll lose your turn.

At review we called it "a deep game with a rich and humorous tone," adding that "this spin on a classic formula is a must-see for RPG and tabletop gaming fans."

So why not wander over to the App Store [download] or the Google Play Store [download] and give this one a whirl.

You can see the rest of the entries in our advent calendar by clicking right here.

Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.