
Mazewood has you avoiding hungry bears to find acorns for a talking squirrel

Grin and bear it

Mazewood has you avoiding hungry bears to find acorns for a talking squirrel
| Mazewood

With all of the meticulous tutorials you find in so many mobile games these days, it's refreshing to discover one that lets you get lost.

Mazewood is about getting lost. Well, it's not exactly recommended that you get lost as you venture through its crop circle fields. But you will.

Furthermore, this puzzle game has you taking orders from a talking squirrel who wants acorns.

Circling in

Each of the game's 65 levels contains an acorn (sometimes several) that you have to find as quickly as you can for the biggest score.

You tap the crop circles to spin the paths protruding from them and plot your way around the maze. Given the view is a zoomed-in one, you'll be relying on guesswork and instinct to succeed a lot of the time.

At first, you won't care too much about where you go, as there are no threats. Later on, however, limitations are imposed on time, number of moves, and maze shifting. There will also be bears to dodge.


You can grab a fish from a nearby lake if you can find it to bypass the bears, but it's best to avoid them if you can.

It's worth staying through Mazewood's slightly boring beginnings to get to the better levels. There will be plenty more levels available in the future, too.

The dev may also add an Android version and a level editor to the game later this year.

You can download Mazewood on iOS for free right now. IAPs are available but you don't need them to complete the game.
Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.