
Game of Watchcraft is an LCD iPad demake of the classic MMO

Retro grind

Game of Watchcraft is an LCD iPad demake of the classic MMO

Have you ever wondered what World of Warcraft would look like if it were a single-player Game & Watch title?

Well, wonder no more. That's because LCDemakes has the answer. And the answer is Game of Watchcraft: Spawn of Squishy.

For this new iPad game, LCDemakes has mapped the mechanics of the seminal MMO to a touchscreen in the form of a classic dual-screen Game & Watch.

You play a roguish spellcaster who accepts quests from a couple of NPCs. The quests are grindy 'kill X number of Y diversions'. Once you've hacked and zapped enough beasts, you'll have to fight a boss.

The on-screen D-pad is a bit wonky, in truth, and the game is somewhat repetitive, but there's a decent chunk of fun to be had watching your little character level-up.

Game of Watchcraft: Spawn of Squishy might not be the most innovative game out there, then. Oh, and the mechanics could do with a couple of extra layers of polish.

Saying that, though, there are plenty of cheeky insider winks and good-natured 'gags' included here.

Game of Watchcraft: Spawn of Squishy is available at a special introductory price, so you can pick up this intriguing and novel little game for just 69p / 99c for a limited time.

Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.