
FortCraft cheats and tips - Super shooting tips for future snipers

Aim, ready...

FortCraft cheats and tips - Super shooting tips for future snipers
| FortCraft

You can’t aim in FortCraft? Gosh, what’s wrong with you eh? Ah it doesn’t matter, I understand it can be difficult on a touch screen, and that’s exactly why I’m here to help.

Tips for aiming, gyros controls, the weapons you want to look out for, we’ve got it here.

FortCraft will keep you shooting and building for days, and with these tips you’ll quickly be shooting your way to first place.


Weapon ranks

When looking for weapons its one thing to find weapons you resonate with; snipers, automatic weapons, shotguns and such. But the kinds of weapons is only one thing, their rank is quite another.

There are five ranks of weapons in the game, and frankly keeping lower ranked weapons won’t help at all in the long term.

Find the weapon type you enjoy, of course, but always swap for a better rank weapon if possible. The only situation where you should do the opposite is when you’re out of ammo and in a tough situation.

The ranks for weapons are as follows…

  • Grey - Weakest
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Orange - Strongest

Bullet physics

So you just aimed straight at someone with a sniper, shot, and they didn’t die? Whaaaaat? Well, actually, because of the bullet physics in this game (which are quite strict, mind) you’ll find shooting at people pretty difficult.

Bullet drop isn’t too much of a factor, but the time it take for a sniper bullet to travel may shock you - it takes a while.

When people are running on the horizon make sure to aim your shots ahead of where they are in order to actually make contact - though how far ahead you want to be aiming will vary on their distance and speed, of course…

It’ll be a game of trial and error at first, but you’ll get the hang of it.


Accurate accuracy

You might finding moving and aiming to be a bit difficult, which is why the motion control gyro aiming in the options menu might help.

Having it on for general use can be a bit awkward frankly, but activating it so it’s active while aiming with a sniper rifle or something can actually be beneficial.

Other weapons, such as flamethrowers, are much harder to use, especially while moving, but it works better if you activate the close range gyro controls feature.


Uzi VS sniper

So now you know how difficult it can be to aim with a sniper rifle, but what about other weapons, right? Well, you can zoom in a bit on weapons without scopes, but your hipfire accuracy is startlingly good.

When using a smaller automatic weapon hip firing will likely be preferable to aiming down sight or zooming in. You can of course recognise how well your weapon will work at a distance by how small the aiming reticule is.

You should basically only aim down sight with the sniper rifle, as mentioned before, though this will ultimately be down to your preference, but for our money it reduces mobility too much.


The long range game

Getting up close to people is frankly not the best idea. You got a flamethrower? Better for emergencies. Shotgun? Save it for indoors. You’ll want to be capable to kill at a distance.

It’s obvious really, but those shotguns and flamethrowers will only really help you in enclosed spaces and when ambushing someone, in the wide open plains of FortCraft in general, you’ll want weapons you can fire at range.

Whack out an automatically craftable cover and get your sniper out and you’ll be able to pick players off as they roam out in the open, just be aware of where snipers might shoot at you from and keep an eye on the horizon…

Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.