
Crobble is a fresh and chaotic combination of Scrabble and Tetris for iOS

It's raining letters

Crobble is a fresh and chaotic combination of Scrabble and Tetris for iOS
| Crobble

Crobble starts before you even know what to do.

It overwhelms you immediately as blobs with letters trapped inside fall down the screen without order.

You'll soon pick it up. The idea is to tap on these lettered blobs to spell out words. Upon forming that word and hitting the green tick to confirm it, those blobs will disappear, clearing some room.

Like in Tetris, if the letters fill the screen and surpass the ceiling its Game Over. The letters don't stop falling, and they drop at a rapid pace, so you're really under a lot of pressure.

Luckily, there are bomb blobs that can be tapped for quick relief. You can also tilt your phone to alter gravity and have letters spread more evenly, away from the ceiling.


Plus, there's a bar that runs along the top that fills as you create words. Fill it up entirely and the next level starts, destroying most of the letters in the process.

Crobble's greatest strength is keeping that pressure on. It's relentless, and it makes every moment playing it feel intense.

You can download Crobble on the App Store right now for free. The full game unlock with more game modes is a single £1.49 / $1.99 IAP.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.