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[Update] Foursaken Media's Color Bots out now on iOS

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[Update] Foursaken Media's Color Bots out now on iOS
| Color Bots
Updated 8th September, 10:23 AM: Foursaken Media's colourful shooter, Color Bots, is out now on iOS.

Grab it here on the App Store free-to-play.

Indie developer Foursaken Media announced on their Twitter last night that their upcoming shooter, Color Bots, will be hitting the App Store tomorrow.

In Color Bots you play as a heroic robot attempting to put a halt to a devious swarm of alien invaders – no it didn't copy Star Crew. This fairly standard-looking shooter has one dramatic ace up its sleeve in that you have to match the colour of your bullets to the colour of the alien. What's worse is that should your itchy trigger finger get the better of you, the wrong colour actually speeds the damned invaders up.

There are 10 enemy types and 10 bots to unlock, each character of which offers up a different ability. Though branded as a 'pick up and play' game, Foursaken Media assure us that by including different enemies/bots, incorporating specials into the fray, and by switching up gameplay for some of the levels, it should keep Color Bots relatively fresh through its 120 levels.

So stay tuned and we'll let you know once the game drops.

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Emily Sowden
Emily Sowden
Emily is Pocket Gamer's News Editor and writes about all kinds of game-related things. She needs coffee to function and begrudgingly loves her Switch more than she lets on.