Game Reviews

Cat Basket

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| Cat Basket
Cat Basket
| Cat Basket

Some games are happy to set out their stalls from the get go. Cat Basket is a game about putting cats in a basket. It's a simple arcade score-chaser that anyone can pick up and play, and that simplicity imbues the action with plenty of replayability.

The tilty bite-size blasts might not be the freshest on the App Store, but for a delightfully manic quick-grab slice of gaming fun there's enough here to tide you over until you've got time for a meatier morsel.

Basket case

You play an old woman tottering around on top of the head of a giant cat. On either side of you there are two tower blocks. From above, and from the windows of the flats, cats leap in your general direction.

You need to catch them in your basket, tilting your phone or tablet to scuttle from left to right so the plummeting kitties fall snugly into your basket. Power-ups drop down too, giving you extra lives and other boosts.

The bad guys of the piece are the dogs, scowling canines that scratch at the giant cat you're stood on if they fall into your basket or bypass your OAP.

Tapping the screen flips your basket over to reveal an underside of deadly spikes. Let too many past and it's game over.

You build up combo scores by chaining together basket catches and dog spikes, but if you miss a cat your combo numbers reset and your potential high score takes a hit. As the game progresses you'll be tilting and tapping at speed, riding your giant cat to giddy heights.

Feline good

There's not much depth to proceedings, but this is thinly sliced arcade gaming at its best. It's full of bursts of flavour, and while you won't be playing for hours, a couple of minutes grabbed here and there will fly by.

Cat Basket is a sharp shot of tight, precise entertainment. It doesn't stretch out any further than it needs to, and it's unlikely to turn heads if you're playing on a bus, but the time you'll spend with it will be spent with a silly grin on your face.

Cat Basket

There's not much flash to Cat Basket, but it's a brilliantly fun way to waste a few minutes
Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.