
Watch the Apple iPad 2 keynote in full

Apple hosts the whole stream

Watch the Apple iPad 2 keynote in full

Last night, Apple unveiled the iPad 2 and iOS 4.3. Pocket Gamer was there on two continents (at the actual event in San Francisco and at the streamed version at BBC Television Centre in London).

But you, let's face it, probably weren't. Sure, you read Pocket Gamer's liveblog; you read the breaking news stories about the iPad 2's specs and the new features in iOS 4.3; you read Tracy Erickon's hands-on preview; and you read Jon Jordan's characteristically sceptical opinion piece.

But you weren't there. You didn't get to see Steve Jobs in his element (boasting on stage). You didn't get to experience the emotional journey from scepticism to epiphany whilst watching the video illustrating the various ways in which the iPad improves human quality of life.

Thankfully, Apple is hosting a video of the whole event on its site. Watch the Apple iPad 2 event here.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.