
iPhone game ported to Zune HD in under 12 hours

Maybe it should be called the Zoom HD?

iPhone game ported to Zune HD in under 12 hours

Like many iPhone developers, Foundation 42 is eyeing up Microsoft's hot new gadget as another outlet for its games, including an as yet unreleased title, WordMonger.

What's interesting is the developer has apparently ported the game from the iPhone to the Zune HD in under 12 hours, according to a Tweet picked up on by Mashable.

"From #iPhone game to #ZuneHD game in 12 hours using #MonoTouch and #XNA - enjoy!" the Tweet reads.

The WordMonger game was built using the MonoTouch toolkit, which the team was evidently able to port over to XNA with minimal effort. Whether this is more to do with MonoTouch than some kind of inherent near-compatibility between the two devices, I wouldn't like to say at this point, but it's got to be an encouraging feat for the trillions of iPhone devs out there.

Here's a comparative video of the same game on the two devices so you can see the differences (or lack thereof) for yourself.

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Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.