
First screens and trailer of Zoo Hospital DS released

And remember the panda is a hypochondriac

First screens and trailer of Zoo Hospital DS released
| Zoo Hospital

It used to be the case that if certain zoo animals were feeling a bit peaky, you'd just gently lead them into the lions' enclosure and let nature take its course.

In the political correct world we live in today, however, things are vastly different. Indeed, few months go by without a charming news story about a keeper who's been hand-rearing an exotic Nepalese spitting viper that was rejected by its mum turning up on the BBC News website.

We blame Rolf Harris. And not just because of Animal Hospital. But that's a story for another day.

For now, let's focus on Zoo Hospital, the first screenshots of which have been released.

This cross between perennial DS favourite, Zoo Tycoon, and stylus-as-scapel medical simulator, Trauma Center, will see you looking after 40 types of animals and birds, such as eagles, kangaroos, jaguars, zebras, chimps, pandas, hyenas, lions and cobras.

Depending on their ailments, you'll have perform a thorough examination and then determine the most appropriate treatment; whether it be an injection, a layer of ointment, tooth removal or X-ray and bone setting.

Sadly, leaving them in the company of lions doesn't appear to have made the list. (Arguably, it would make for a considerably shorter experience, too.)

And this being the era of Brain Training, the whole process also teaches you various fascinating facts about the animals in your care. Indeed, you're able to earn awards to add to your trophy room as you become an expert in each species.

You can probably get a better idea about how the game works via the trailer:

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No official release date has currently been set for Zoo Hospital, which will be released by Eidos in Europe and Majesco in North America. We'd expect it to make an appearance sometime before the end of 2007, though.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.