
Zoo Hospital brings more animal care to the DS

You hold it down, we'll give it the sedatives

Zoo Hospital brings more animal care to the DS
| Zoo Hospital

Visiting sick animals at a zoo hospital must be a nightmare; who knows how many Wine Gums, flowers and Lucozade you'd have to bring a poorly Rhino. The zoo medical staff have it even worse, with the threat of being trampled or mauled an everyday occupational hazard (and not just from asking an elephant if you can take its temperature in the usual animal fashion…)

Still it is into the shoes of the latter, a zoo vet, that you'll step in the DS's next animal themed title, Zoo Hospital.

Published by Majesco, Zoo Hospital puts you in charge of caring for endangered beasts as well as under-the-weather animals. Beginning with ten different species, ranging from pandas (nature's hypochondriac) to jaguars, it's your job to use the stylus to diagnose, treat and calm your various patients.

There are more than a few mini-games included in the day-to-day running of the hospital, with teeth needing pulling (shouldn't that be saved for Zoo Dentist?), bandages needing changing, injections needing, erm, injected, and ointment needing application.

Although Zoo Hospital sounds entertaining enough, it will find itself in a crowded handheld space, with dogs, horses, fish, cats and now a whole zoo's worth of species looking for a share of your stylus time. Still, Zoo Hospital certainly has its own angle, and we're keen to see how it comes together when the finished code is released.