
Get prepared for Ashes controversy with You Are The Umpire

Silly mid-off or just square leg?

Get prepared for Ashes controversy with You Are The Umpire
| You Are The Umpire

Given that English football has just had a bit of a set back, it's best we focus on that most English of sports, cricket.

And in this context - given that the second game in the fiercely contested England versus Australia series, The Ashes, is taking place today - the release of Four Door Lemon's latest sports rule iPhone game is well timed.

One finger rising

You Are The Umpire puts aside modern tools such as the Snickometer and Hawk-Eye, and tests your basic knowledge of all things cricket.

With hundreds of questions from former international umpire John Holder, and backed with artwork by Paul Trevillion, the action is split into two modes.

Sudden Death makes no allowances for bad decisions while Assessment which will test your mettle over a longer period.

Global leaderboards and achievements are supported via Game Center, and you can also create your own cartoon strips and send them out via Facebook and email.

Out now for iPhone and iPod touch, priced $1.99, €1.59 or £1.1.9, You Are The Umpire will also be coming to iPad.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.