
Azzurri Penalty kicks off Italian World Cup on iPhone and Ovi

Twelve yards out

Azzurri Penalty kicks off Italian World Cup on iPhone and Ovi
| Azzurri Penalty

This summer is the time for football games.

Azzurri Penalty is a penalty shoot out game licensed from the association of the current world champions, the Italian Football Federation, although strangely perhaps, it's been made in the UK by Middlesbrough-based Fluid Pixel Studios.

There are two versions available.

The iPhone 3D game (shown) has been developed using the Unity game engine, while the version for Nokia devices, available on the Ovi Store, uses more stylised 2D graphics and Flash Lite to maximise the number of devices it works on.


In terms of gameplay, you can either take the role of the goalkeeper or player, with all controls touchscreen-based. Flick you finger to kick the ball or swipe to try and save a goal.

There are four modes - World Championship, Quick play, Keeper Save and Penalty Shootout - plus all stats are tracked so you can monitor everything from your fastest kick, number of cups won, number of misses, and total distance the ball has been kicked.

Global high score tracking and multiplayer are planned in future updates.

Azzurri Penalty is out now, priced $2.99, €2.39 or £1.79 for iPhone, and £3 on Ovi Store.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.