
Driver 3D coming to 3DS

Driving me crazy

Driver 3D coming to 3DS
| Ubisoft Driver 3D

Amidst the torrent of 3DS news today comes this: the announcement of a new Driver title, brought to you in 3D.

Previous Driver games have been slightly more serious takes on the classic cops and robbers formula, trading GTA’s mindless indulgence for realism and more refined driving physics.

There’s not a lot of available information on this new instalment yet, but we do have a small collection of rather promising screens, and some very cool - if very stolen from GTA - promo artwork for you to look at.

More news as it comes.

Richard Meads
Richard Meads
New intern Rich has been blessed with far, far too much free time and an overwhelming desire to jump on things. He tried doing the jumping in public, but people got scared. A lifelong addiction to platform games and a degree in creative writing later, he found his way to Pocket Gamer’s doorstep.