
Trivie, an asynchronous social trivia game, launches for iOS

A not-so-trivial pursuit

Trivie, an asynchronous social trivia game, launches for iOS
| Trivie

The newly founded studio Trivie, Inc. has brought its titular trivia title Trivie to the App Store this week.

At the core of Trivie’s gameplay is a quiz show style competition that matches you against another player. Once you create a Trivie account (or login with your Facebook credentials) you can challenge friends to a battle of wits or let Trivie pick an opponent for you at random.

Thankfully for gamers on the go, these battles are handled asynchronously. Opponents take turns answering questions, and push notifications inform you when it is your turn to play.

I do, in fact, know Jack

Trivie boasts an impressive 75,000 multiple choice questions in more than 60 categories like current events, chocolate, Harry Potter, 90s music, ancient wars, and more.

During games, you may elect to have Trivie choose the questions for you or spend tokens to choose a specific category of questions to send against your opponent.

These tokens are earned through playing Trivie, but may also be bought as an in-app purchase. Players may also spend tokens to unlock new avatars or to increase their token bidding limit during this final challenge mode of a game.

Matthew Diener
Matthew Diener
Representing the former colonies, Matt keeps the Pocket Gamer news feed updated when sleepy Europeans are sleeping. As a frustrated journalist, diehard gamer and recovering MMO addict, this is pretty much his dream job.