
Japanese RPG Tokyo Majin is coming to DS

And thus the circle is complete

Japanese RPG Tokyo Majin is coming to DS
| Tokyo Majin Gakuen

Tokyo Majin Gakuen appeared on the PlayStation a decade ago, and soon afterwards the franchise underwent the transition to the silver screen, first in Japan and more recently in the US.

It follows the adventures of students Tatsuma Hiyuu and Kyouichi Houraiji as they flounce around Japan doing what all self-respecting adolescents like to do: thwarting the undead.

Now, reports DS Fanboy, having jumped the good ship video game Tokyo Majin is back aboard courtesy of developer Asmik Ace. Unfortunately, it's currently Japan only.

A company called ADV owns the US distribution rights, but it hasn't been pushing Tokyo Majin so you probably shouldn't hold your breath for a Western release. And it's not likely to be one of those games you can get away with playing without understanding the text, either. Still, you never know.

It comes out on August 21st in the land of the rising sun.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.