
An old tale remade

Classic Japanese role player Tales of Phantasia is back for GBA

An old tale remade
| Tales of Phantasia

Considering that most role playing games are set in the distant past in a world not unlike our own, it makes complete sense for Namco (published by Nintendo in the UK), to revisit its acclaimed 1990s series Tales of Fantasia. Combining the beautiful graphics and intricate story of the original game with the improved battle system of its sequel, the resulting hybrid is being remade for the GBA.

In many ways, though, its basic concept is unremarkable. It begins with an evil force searching for two magical objects and wiping out a village in the process. Of course, our heroes, Cless and Chester - the owners of said objects - are out hunting but when they return to their ruined village, pledge revenge and set out on their adventure.

As they move through the expansive world, time travelling as they go, they have to explore villages, caves, forests and fortresses. You do this by moving your group around a large-scale world map, which then lets you enter specific areas and tackle them in more detail. Other well-trod elements of the RPG include a numbers-based upgrade system where you get experience points to improve your characters’ abilities. Levelling up also enables you to equip your characters with better weapons and armour as you overcome more enemies.

There are some more novel elements too though. One is the battle system, where you have to set up your group of three before the battle starts. Then you get to directly control warrior Cless - wielding beat ‘em up-style physical attacks - while his companions carry out the moves you assigned to them beforehand.

Another is the cooking system. To access this you have to collect rare and unusual ingredients and combine them to create food and potions which can then be used as health packs.

Currently making its way over hills and through vales, Tales of Phantasia (evil sourcers notwithstanding) expects to arrive in-store on 31st March.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.