
Swing Pong on iPhone lets you play table tennis with your ears

Sounds batty

Swing Pong on iPhone lets you play table tennis with your ears
| Swing Pong

Following our review of the blind-accessible Stem Stumper earlier this week, another new iPhone title has emerged with a focus on sound-based play.

Swing Pong is a table tennis game that uses gestural control and sound effects to recreate the sport in an innovative way.

The screen displays the rubber surface of a table tennis bat, and strokes are played by holding your thumb on the screen and swinging your iDevice. Stronger movements naturally generate more power than gentler motions.


Returning is a case of listening to the sound of the bounce and timing your shot accordingly. The grunt from your opponent gives you an idea as to the pace of the stroke, though on the game’s lowest difficulty setting, a visual cue at the top of the screen gets you accustomed to the timing.

Power-ups add a bit of spice, and there are nine AI opponents to face in total, with online multiplayer and Game Center support to extend the game’s longevity.

A free Lite version allows you to try before you buy, stripping the game of its multiplayer component and significantly reducing the single-player element.

If you want the full Swing Pong experience, however, it’ll set you back a piffling 59p / 99c / €0.79. Both are available to download from the App Store right now.

The game's trailer below should give you some idea of what to expect.

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Chris Schilling
Chris Schilling
Chris has been gaming since the age of five, though you wouldn't think it to see him play. Thankfully, his knowledge of the medium is as impressive as his unerring ability to fail at Angry Birds.