
Sudoku Real Edition coming to iPad

Another sudoku challenger steps up

Sudoku Real Edition coming to iPad
| Sudoku Real Edition

As we've already seen this week, there's going to be a wave of sudoku games available for the iPad.

It makes sense. Whereas the iPhone is slightly too small for a whole sudoku grid, the larger screen of the iPad means the game can really come into its own.

Sudoku Real Edition looks to make the game as real as possible on the iPad screen - "just like playing a real Sudoku book".

Available on iPad launch date (April 3rd 2010), the game will feature textures and backgrounds taken from real photos. The wooden desktop, for example, is the developer's bedside cabinet.

Sudoku Real Edition is available on iPad on April 3rd 2010 for $2.99, £1.79.
Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.